Justice System: The Media Is Not Our Enemy
Observations Regardless as to your feelings about media relations and the justice system, reporters will let you influence them if you are seen as knowledgeable and trustworthy. It’s in our best...
View ArticleBreaking Bad News First
Colleagues: InTime recently offered an article by me on breaking bad news first through an examination of the state of Maryland’s assumption of the Baltimore City Jail. The article is available at...
View ArticleReporters Blasted For Inappropriate Social Media
Observations Reporters are taking heat for inappropriate social media posts. This comes on the heels of harsh journalistic criticism of posts in police social media pages. “Journalists don’t deserve a...
View ArticleIt’s Time To Rethink Criminal Justice Media Policies
Observations It’s time for law enforcement and corrections to understand that saying nothing to the media about an event and failing to put out false rumors can end in disaster. Yes, we don’t like or...
View ArticleRated the 75th Best Marketing And Advertising Blog
Rated the 75th best marketing and advertising blog via OnToplist. “Multi-awarded media personality talks about marketing, public relations, social media, television, government, entertainment, current...
View ArticleCoronavirus And Crisis Communications
Highlights No one in law enforcement or emergency management is truly ready for the national, state and local coronavirus emergency and the potential for a massive disinformation effort. There have...
View ArticleDo Reporters Hate Cops? Law Enforcement And Media Objectivity
Highlights Is media objectivity a relic of the past (per the Columbia Journalism Review)? Many (most?) cops believe that media reporting of law enforcement and crime control is stereotypical, biased,...
View ArticleUkraine’s President Zelinsky’s Speech To Congress
Zelensky at US Congress My response to a national news source asking for an evaluation of Ukraine’s President Zelensky’s speech to Congress: I have 35 years of directing media and public relations...
View ArticlePIO (Public Information Officer) Toolkit
The PIO Toolkit is a resource for everyone who works in public sector comms – law enforcement, emergency services, aviation, utilities, education, law… Featuring job vacancies, training, media...
View ArticleDeepfakes: Understanding The Risks, How To Spot Them
Article Reprinted with the permission of the PIO Toolkit team. PIO Toolkit Team Admin Aug 5, 2023 Deepfakes have become increasingly common and are now starting to impact every kind of communication....
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