My response to a national news source asking for an evaluation of Ukraine’s President Zelensky’s speech to Congress:
I have 35 years of directing media and public relations for government. I’m a retired federal senior spokesperson. See my personal website at https://leonardsipes.com. I wrote “Success With The Media,” available at Amazon and other booksellers. I have endless national awards for my media relations work and I traveled the country instructing others.
Zelensky’s speech was wonderful because it was authentic. Too many of us in public or media relations come across as overly polished-overly well dressed. Zelensky kept to his authentic self by speaking to Congress dressed as if he just left the battlefield.
He kept to his script because he had his overriding communication objectives and wanted to make them one by one.
He thanked the American people, the president, and congress for their support emphasizing that American assistance was not charity, it was an investment in our security.
One could not help being sympathetic towards Zelensky. From his attire to his choice of words to hitting key themes to his humility and authenticity to his props (the signed Ukrainian flag), it was a masterful performance.
Too many of us employed in media or public relations forget the rules of straightforward communication. We are dressed too well, we are too polished, we are too cautious and we give the impression of insincerity to the point where the public can’t identify with our cause or objectives.
Zelensky threw away the standard media relations playbook, disregarded PR advisors, and clearly hit the ball out of the park. His audience loved him because he portrayed himself as an average person thrown into the turmoil of war fighting for his country, and ours.
Best, Leonard Sipes.