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Business Owners Say LinkedIn Offers Them More Than Facebook, Twitter



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Most of us within the professional world have vast limits as to time; we need to place our digital materials where they will do the most good. For many of us, that means LinkedIn.

There are endless forums and social media opportunities but for sheer engagement and quality interactions, LinkedIn has become my favorite.

LinkedIn is just not for business. There are a wide variety of professional groups on the service who will give you plenty of constructive feedback.

I still struggle with the fact that the majority of my digital conversations are through LinkedIn and other social media sites; I would prefer people to comment via my websites.

But if I’m looking for one place that will tell me what I need to know, LinkedIn is my go-to site.

Research Report:

“A survey of small business owners by the Wall Street Journal and Vistage International has found that LinkedIn is not only the most commonly used social media tool by small businesses, but also the most positively perceived. Asked which social media tool had the greatest potential to help their firms, 41% of respondents chose LinkedIn, compared to 16% who pointed to YouTube, 14% to Facebook, and just 3% to Twitter. In fact, more CEOs chose LinkedIn than did Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest combined.”

Best, Len.

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Source: http://www.marketingcharts.com/wp/direct/small-biz-owners-say-linkedin-offers-them-more-potential-than-facebook-twitter-26648/?utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_source=mc&utm_medium=textlink


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