How Important is Social Media to Effective Communication?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com A colleague from the past called me to announce her return from Europe and the fact that she was looking for work. She’s a former television news...
View ArticleConvincing Personal and Business Stories Need to be from the Heart
From my other site at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Fast Company offers an interesting article titled, “Using Great Storytelling To Grow Your Business.” For me, the important paragraph is “The key to engage...
View ArticleApple and Public Relations-The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost
Http://leonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com As I sit here I notice that my Apple stock keeps falling. As I listen to my tech podcasts I hear hosts lambast Apple as a company that has lost its...
View ArticleTelling Your Story Through Audio or Video Builds Trust
From my other site at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Do people trust you? Do people trust your business or organization? People buy from people, not businesses. While I have a hard time understanding this...
View ArticleWhat is Social Media?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com It’s a question I get often. Few organizations get social media. They’re confused by what is, what it means and how it’s implemented. Before you...
View ArticleMarketing Associations and Nonprofits-An Internet Based Strategy
From my other website at Http:// . I wrote an article addressing marketing for businesses. In essence, I suggested that businesses need to establish a personal relationship with the...
View ArticleWhy You Need To Consider Audio for Your Social Media Outreach
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com I’ve hosted and produced radio and television shows for both broadcast and the internet for over twenty years. The use of audio is, by far, my...
View ArticleDeath and Your Social Media Legacy
From my other website at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com An article from the Washington Post (below) addresses all the possible avenues for your social media presence when you die except one-your own website....
View ArticlePresident Obama on Social Media and the Boston Bombings-Lessons for the Rest...
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com There has been a healthy debate on this site and LinkedIn on the use of social media during emergencies. The discussion centers on two points: Social...
View ArticleMore from Google on Nonprofit–Association Social Media
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Please see three articles focusing on Google and nonprofit–association social media. Hint–Google “really” wants you to open a Google+ account (their...
View ArticleThe Washington Center is Seeking Speakers
Colleagues: Dario Sotomayor <> at the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars is looking for speakers in Washington, D.C. I am speaking to a group from...
View ArticleBrand and Public Relations. Are You a Google?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com It’s always amazed me that many organizations and people get a pass from the public and media when things go wrong while others in the same...
View ArticleCan Social Media Achieve Your Goals?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Many of the articles I place on this site are reminders that social media still has a way to go as to being a communications platform that convinces...
View ArticleTwenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Twenty-seven years ago a young women made the winter trek from Chicago to Baltimore. She left everything behind to protect her child. There was no...
View ArticleResearch on Mobile and What Works. Are You Ready?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Why anyone would prefer mobile devices over a nice big screen and full keyboard for important tasks or content creation is beyond my comprehension. I...
View ArticleYour Customer Service Sucks-Solve It With Social Media
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Why do most customer service operations suck? I could be a bit more polite but it’s the truth and quite frankly, “suck” doesn’t begin to describe the...
View ArticleEmotional Content Wins-Or Does It?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com “If You’re Not Feeling it, Don’t Write it” versus “Emotion gets views and dictators win elections. It doesn’t make either right.” Caroline O’Donovan...
View Article95% Of Websites Get Fewer Than 30 Visitors a Day. Are Your Web Efforts Doomed?
Summation: Most websites get a small number of daily views If you are not at the top of a Google search, you’re not going to get views Most followers don’t see new items on your Facebook page...
View ArticleSocial Media and Emergencies-A Solution for Out of Control Rumors
Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com I wrote “Hurricane Sandy-The First Major Social Media Emergency?” as the storm was making its way up the east coast and “Bad, Mistaken or Malicious...
View ArticleFear Public Speaking? The Solution is Audio or Video Recordings on the Internet
From my other website at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Many of us fear speaking in public. The solution is to create audio and video products that give you complete control. Audio or video tells your life...
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