Is Your Organization Destroying Good Media Relations?
Subtitles Your organization did nothing wrong, yet media coverage is negative? Is your organization difficult to represent? Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of award-winning media...
View ArticleThe “Smoke Blowers” and Others Who Influence Media Decisions
Subtitles: Do the wrong people influence media decisions? Is it possible to manage media responsibilities for complex organizations? Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of award-winning...
View ArticleHow Much Does The Federal Government Spend on Advertising-Public Affairs?
Subtitles: The federal government spends $1 billion annually on public affairs work, and allocates $500 million for salaries. Is federal spending on public affairs too much? Author Leonard A. Sipes,...
View ArticleMedia Relations Strategies: Winning the War-Taking A Hit-Moving Quickly
Subtitles: A long-range view of media relations is best. Sometimes, you have to take a hit. Delay can be deadly. Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of award-winning media relations, over...
View ArticleDonald Trump, Your Organization and the Media
Subtitles: How’s that media strategy working for you Donald? Lessons for the rest of us Hate the media? There’s an unpleasant surprise waiting for you. Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years...
View ArticleSuccessful Media Relations: The Need For One Spokesperson-Taking A Hit
Successful Media Relations: The Need For One Spokesperson Subtitles: Blaming media difficulties on the budget. It’s not our fault. The need for one spokesperson. Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr....
View ArticleFederal Communicators, the Media and Donald Trump
Subtitles Have federal communicators and the media lost the confidence of the American people? We need to respect and serve the people we are communicating with. If we don’t, the backlash is...
View ArticleMedia Relations in the Age of Trump
Subtitles: Some executives want to emulate president-elect Trump. They want to go to war with the media. President-elect Trump may have gone to war, and he may have done so brilliantly, but that...
View ArticleAdvocacy Organizations And The Media-What Can You Do?
Subtitles: Advocates often mislead or flat-out lie to the media. Don’t overreact to baseless accusations. Extensive preparation and viewing issues from your opponent’s point of view will provide...
View ArticleGoing to War With the Media-Executive Mistrust of Reporters
Subtitles: Some executives want to emulate President-elect Trump. They want to go to war with the media. My message to executives? Don’t be stupid. Listen to your public affairs people. Like the crew...
View ArticleStopping Negative News-Does the Media Like You?
Subtitles: Deniability may be the single most important function of press representatives. I have discovered a simple truth in life: It is clearly in your best interest if reporters respect and like...
View ArticleDeniability and Trust Are the Primary Powers of Spokespeople
Subtitles: Killing Negative News Through Trust Deniability may be the single most important function of press representatives. It is clearly in your best interest if reporters trust you. Author...
View ArticleGetting Better Media Coverage-Talking Points For “Success With The Media”
Subtitles: Do policy makers and the public have a good understanding of issues through current news coverage? Bureaucracies and the media view each other with suspicion and dread. The lack of mutual...
View ArticleSurviving Donald Trump-What It Means for Media and Public Relations
Subtitles We all need to rededicate ourselves to understanding and embracing the views of others. We need to be the adults in the room. We in the profession must stay above the fray Author Leonard A....
View ArticleDoes The Media Like Your Organization?
Subtitles: Your job is to expose the media to your organization and its leadership, mission, and employees. We have no choice; we must come to come to terms with reporters. Convincing media...
View ArticleThe Art of the Interview-Talking to Reporters
Subtitles Do you want to influence the story? Then you need to talk to reporters. Conversations with the media are often in our best interest. How you respond may depend more on the information the...
View ArticleThe Art of the Interview-Do We Create Negative News?
Subtitles Do you want to influence the story? Then you need to talk to reporters. We often “choose” the media we obtain. If we choose to be unnecessarily combative and negative, we will get negative...
View ArticleHow to Handle Unexpected and Negative Media Inquiries (“O My Gawd” Interviews)
Subtitles Do you want to influence the story? Then you need to talk to reporters. All of us get media requests where we are unprepared. There is only one solution; don’t panic. Develop four or five...
View ArticleThe Art of the Interview-Advocates-Politics-Simplicity-Honesty
Subtitles Do you want to influence the story? Then you need to talk to reporters. You need to have basic themes in your arsenal of answers that honestly defend your position and resonate well with...
View ArticleTrump-Fake News-Public Relations-The Media And Trust Are All Intertwined
Subtitles There’s a new paradigm in Presidential media relations. Why? How honest are we in government, business and the media? Bannon feels that the media will take any side but Trump’s, thus there...
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